UPCOMING IN-PERSON WORKSHOP >> Understand IBS: AN educational event for patients and clinicians


Patient Prep

General Pre-Procedure Instructions

  • Ensure a ride to and from the procedure. You cannot drive after anesthesia.
  • Continue to take aspirin if prescribed.
  • Discuss instructions on stopping all other blood thinning medications with your doctor.
  • If you are diabetic and taking diabetes medications talk to your doctor about adjusting your dose of these medications while preparing for a colonoscopy.
  • Take all other daily medications while prepping and on the day of the procedure.
  • For 5 days prior to the procedure avoid seeds, nuts, corn, granola.
  • For 2 days prior to the procedure eat only cooked vegetables.
  • The day before the procedure begin a clear liquid diet: water, fruit juices (apple or white grape juice), carbonated drinks (ginger ale, seltzer, sodas), gelatin, tea or coffee (without milk or cream), sports drinks, broth, bouillon, frozen juice popsicles.


  • You will need one Clenpiq kit (two 160-ml bottles).
  • You may take an anti-nausea medication such as Zofran within 30 minutes of drinking each bottle of the prep.
  • Drink the first bottle of clenpiq between 5 and 7 pm on the evening prior to the procedure. Stay close to a bathroom. You should expect to start moving your bowels anywhere between 30 min from starting the prep to 4 hrs from starting the prep.
  • Stay hydrated with more clear liquids, around 6 cups of liquids once you start the preparation..
  • Drink the second bottle of Clenpiq 5 hrs before your procedure. Depending on the time of your procedure this may fall in the middle of the night. It is important that you complete your preparation for optimal results.
  • Stop all clear liquids 3 hrs before your procedure.

Magnesium Citrate

  • You will need 3 bottles of magnesium citrate (10 oz).
  • You may take an anti-nausea medication such as Zofran within 30 minutes of drinking each bottle of the prep.
  • Drink the first bottle of magnesium citrate between 5 and 7 pm on the evening prior to the procedure. Drink it at a pace that is comfortable for you. You may put it on ice, drink it through a straw or mix it with other liquids to make it more palatable. Stay close to a bathroom. You should expect to start moving your bowels anywhere between 30 min from starting the prep to 4 hrs from starting the prep.
  • Stay hydrated with more clear liquids, around 6-8 cups of liquids total once you start the preparation.
  • Drink the second bottle of magnesium citrate 4 hrs after you finish the first bottle.
  • Drink the third bottle of magnesium citrate 5 hrs before your procedure. Depending on the time of your procedure this may fall in the middle of the night. It is important that you complete your preparation for optimal results.
  • Stop all clear liquids 3 hrs before your procedure.


  • You will need 1 gallon of golytely solution.
  • You may take an anti-nausea medication such as Zofran within 30 minutes of drinking each bottle of the prep.
  • Evening before procedure (between 5 and 7pm) drink 8 ounces (1 cup) of Golytely every 20 minutes until half the prep (2 liters) is gone. Stay close to a bathroom. You should expect to start moving your bowels anywhere between 30 min from starting the prep to 4 hrs from starting the prep.
  • Stay hydrated with more clear liquids, around 6 cups of liquids once you start the preparation.
  • Drink the second half of the Golytely prep 5 hrs before the procedure. Drink 8 ounces (1 cup) of Golytely every 20 minutes until done.
  • Stop all clear liquids 3 hrs before your procedure.


  • You will need one plenvu kit (3 pouches).
  • You may take an anti-nausea medication such as Zofran within 30 minutes of drinking each bottle of the prep.
  • Drink the first dose of plenvu between 5 and 7 pm on the evening prior to the procedure. Mix contents of dose 1 pouch with 16 oz of water in the mixing container. Drink it over 30 min. Stay close to a bathroom. You should expect to start moving your bowels anywhere between 30 min from starting the prep to 4 hrs from starting the prep.
  • Stay hydrated with more clear liquids, around 6 cups of liquids once you start the preparation.
  • Drink the second dose of plenvu 5 hrs before your procedure. Mix contents of dose 2 (pouch A and pouch B) with 16 oz of water in mixing container. Drink it over 30 min. Depending on the time of your procedure this may fall in the middle of the night. It is important that you complete your preparation for optimal results.
  • Stop all clear liquids 3 hrs before your procedure.


  • You will need one suprep kit (two 6 oz bottles).
  • You may take an anti-nausea medication such as Zofran within 30 minutes of drinking each bottle of the prep.
  • Drink the first dose of suprep between 5 and 7 pm on the evening prior to the procedure. Mix one 6-oz bottle of Suprep with 10 oz of water in mixing container. Drink over 30 minutes. Drink 2 more 16-oz containers of water over the next 1 hour. Stay close to a bathroom. You should expect to start moving your bowels anywhere between 30 min from starting the prep to 4 hrs from starting the prep.
  • Stay hydrated with more clear liquids, around 6 cups of liquids once you start the preparation.
  • Drink the second dose 5 hours before procedure. Mix second 6-oz bottle of Suprep with 10 oz of water in mixing container. Drink over 30 minutes. Drink 2 more 16-oz containers of water over the next 1 hour. Depending on the time of your procedure this may fall in the middle of the night. It is important that you complete your preparation for optimal results.
  • Stop all clear liquids 3 hrs before your procedure.


  • You will need one suprep kit (two 6 oz bottles).
  • You may take an anti-nausea medication such as Zofran within 30 minutes of drinking each bottle of the prep.
  • Take the first dose of sutab between 5 and 7 pm on the evening prior to the procedure. Fill the 16-oz container with water. Swallow 12 tablets of Sutab and drink remaining water over 15–20 minutes. One hour later, fill the 16-oz container with water and drink over 30 minutes. Another 30 minutes later, fill the 16-oz container with water and drink over 30 minutes. Stay close to a bathroom. You should expect to start moving your bowels anywhere between 30 min from starting the prep to 4 hrs from starting the prep.
  • Stay hydrated with more clear liquids, around 6 cups of liquids once you start the preparation.
  • Take the second dose of sutab prep 5 hrs before the procedure. Fill the 16-oz container with water. Swallow 12 tablets of Sutab and drink remaining water over 15–20 minutes. One hour later, fill the 16-oz container with water and drink over 30 minutes. Another 30 minutes later, fill the 16-oz container with water and drink over 30 minutes. Depending on the time of your procedure this may fall in the middle of the night. It is important that you complete your preparation for optimal results.
  • Stop all clear liquids 3 hrs before your procedure.


  • You will need one 8.3 oz bottle of miralax or generic equivalent (238 grams), two 32 oz Gatorade bottles and 4 dulcolax tablets 5 mg each.
  • You may take an anti-nausea medication such as Zofran within 30 minutes of drinking each bottle of the prep.
  • Take four Dulcolax tablets 5 mg each at 5 pm on the evening before the procedure.
  • Mix half of miralax bottle (119 g) in 32 oz Gatorade bottle. Drink the mixed solution over an hour starting at 6pm on the evening before the procedure.
  • Stay close to a bathroom. You should expect to start moving your bowels anywhere between 30 min from starting the prep to 4 hrs from starting the prep.
  • Stay hydrated with more clear liquids, around 6 cups of liquids once you start the preparation.
  • Mix the other half of miralax bottle (119 g) in 32 oz Gatorade bottle. Five hours prior to your procedure start drinking the mixed solution over an hour.
  • Depending on the time of your procedure this may fall in the middle of the night. It is important that you complete your preparation for optimal results.
  • Stop all clear liquids 3 hrs before your procedure.